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Helen Bradley - MS Office Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

I'm a lifestyle journalist and I've been writing about office productivity software for a long time. Here you'll find handy hints, tips, tricks, techniques and tutorials on using software as diverse as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access and Publisher from Microsoft and other applications that I love. My publishing credits include PC Magazine, Windows XP mag, CNet, PC User mag,, Winplanet and Sydney Morning Herald.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Twitter - follow me follow you?

I'm often curious as to where I get some of my followers and I'd like to compare my followers with some other folk to see if I'm right in assuming I get some of my followers via them.

Enter this cool app called Followerlap. All you have to do is type two twitter ids, it doesn't have to be yours but it can be. So, if I want to see how many of my followers are also followers of, for example, Digital Photography School, I add:

HelenBradley and DigitalPS and click Submit.

Really it couldn't be easier. In a few seconds I know that nearly 20% of my followers also follow DigitalPS. Pretty neat hey?

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