2014 Lightroom Calendar Templates
Calendar templates for Lightroom - just add the calendar and your photos and you're done. We've done all the work for you in creating and sizing the calendars and preparing the template for you. All you need to do is to assemble the calendars and print. In the download you get a .lrtemplate file that is the Lightroom printing template and 12 calendar images - one for each month of the year! ALso included in the zip is a set of instructions explaining how to install and use the template in Lightroom. I've also created a video for you which you can find here on Youtube. It steps you through the entire process from download, through installing the template and importing the calendars and then assembling and printing the calendar. What's not to like about that? The calendars and template are free for personal use. Please enter your email address to start the download. You will be sent an email giving you the option to opt in to our email newsletter. You can opt out if you wish, and your email will not be used for any other purpose.
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