Thursday, December 30th, 2010

New Year Project – Photo flip books

I recently got asked how you make a photo flip book – you know one of those little books you flip the pages from and something happens?

Well as luck would have it those cool folks over at O’Reilly used to have a magazine called Craft! and they asked me to write an article for them on just this very topic. So, click this link and you will see how to create your very own photo flip book.

I used clips from a movie file for this flip book so there’s lots of fun for everyone involved from writing the signs to making the film and then the tech side of extracting the frames and making the book.

It’s a great snow day/rainy day project.

Helen Bradley

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Handling MOD MOI movies

I hate it when camera manufacturers don’t use standard formats for their movie files.

My camera uses the MOD/MOI format which practically no player known to man (or woman) can play. It shouldn’t really be a problem as MOD is really just MPG in disguise and you should be able to rename the MOD file to read MPG and it should play – but you’ll encounter problems if you capture in 16:9 aspect ratio. Go figure!

Before you sling the camcorder into the trash and vow never to buy from that manufacturer again, read on. On second thoughts you should vow never to buy from a manufacturer that cares so little for their customers that they use impossible to read formats – after all you’re shooting movies – chances are you’ll want to do something with them – like watch them or perhaps I’m expecting too much?

So, the solution is to download this little SDCOPY.EXE utility which comes bundled in a zip file that just needs to be extracted and then run.

It is simplicity itself, you tell it where your MOD files are and where you want the converted files to go (I recommend a second/separate folder) and if the widescreen 16:9 flag needs to be set and press Start and in a few minutes you have viewable converted MPG files.

So, thanks but no thanks Canon. I won’t be buying a new camcorder from you and thanks to Sektionschef for creating and continuing to support this handy utility.

Helen Bradley

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

How to create an animation in Photoshop CS4

I recently posted a movie I had created in Photoshop CS4 Extended and I mentioned I’d do a post on how it was done. Here is the result. It is a video showing step by step the process of assembling the layered Photoshop file. How to clip the flash to the image, how to move the image using the 3D tools in Photoshop and then how to create the animation and render it as a mov file. It’s a pretty simple process once you know how and if you’ve had experience with making movies or animations before much of it will be familiar to you.

Click to go to Vimeo to view the movie

If you tried to view the video previously this is a replacement – the first version didn’t convert properly when uploaded to Vimeo.

Helen Bradley