Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Excel – Replace charts with pictures

Enhance your Charts with Visuals

by Helen Bradley
Why have boring old column and bar charts when you can have picture charts instead?

Learn how to replace bars and columns in Excel charts with small images stacked up to show the values being compared.

Image charts like this are one of Excel’s secrets so let me show you how to make them.

In the video you will learn how to replace columns and bars in Excel charts with images. You will see how to find images to use and how to stack and resize the images to fit the chart’s columns and bars.

Helen Bradley

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

Word 2010 and 2013 Tip – AutoNumber Table Rows

Automatically Number Any and All Rows in a Table

To automatically number rows in your table, select the column you wish to number (or the specific cells in the column you wish to number). Now, click the Numbering button on the Home tab on the Ribbon. After the rows are numbered, you can move the rows anywhere and the numbering will readjust automatically.

Helen Bradley

Sunday, January 28th, 2007

Quick Calculations in Word
Older versions of Word included a Calculate option on the Tools menu which let you make quick calculations.

You can add it back into later versions of Word by right clicking any toolbar and choose Customize. Select the Commands tab and, from the Categories list choose All Commands and scroll the Commands list to locate ToolsCalculate. Drag this onto the Tools menu and hold your mouse there until the menu opens and then drop the option into place. If desired, right click it and remove the word Tools from its name so it simply reads Calculate.

Now test it by typing some values eg 24, 25 & 26 and select them. Choose Tools, Calculate and the status bar will display “The result of the calculation is 75”.

If you later click Control + V you will paste the result of the calculation (75) into your document.

To sum a column of numbers, hold Alt as you drag over the column with your mouse then choose Tools, Calculate. It also works inside tables and you can type a more detailed calculations such as 25*25 and it will calculate the result for you (answer: 625)

Helen Bradley