Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Quickly Add Placeholder Text to a Newsletter Mock up in Photoshop

Automatically put placeholder text in a newsletter mock up in Photoshop

If you are creating a mock up of a newsletter in Photoshop I suggest you use “Lorem Ipsum..” as your sample text instead of real text. One thing the human eye is always looking for is readable text, but when you use “Lorem Ipsum” because it makes no sense at all your reader’s eye will go to your design instead of tying to read the placeholder text. 

To create a text box and fill it automatically with “Lorem Ipsum”, select the Type tool on your tool bar and click and drag where you wish your text box to go.

Select the font face, font size, and font color on the tool options menu.

To fill the text box with your placeholder text, click Type on your main menu then click Paste Lorem Ipsum on the drop down menu.

This fills your text box with the placeholder type.

Only make and fill one text box at a time, if you need more text then click in the text box and reselect Type>Paste Lorem Ipsum to refill it.

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

Lorem Ipsum

You’ve seen it typed, you’ve read it and wondered what it is. The answer is: old Latin, very old Latin dating back to BC. Nowadays it’s plain old filler text that designers use to fill in places in sample documents to show what it will look like when it is complete. To avoid having to make words up and to ensure that the reader looks at the design and doesn’t focus on the words (on the assumption that most of us don’t understand Latin), designers use these made up pieces of text that are to their audience at least, total nonsense. Enter Lorem Ipsum – it’s one of those slabs of usable text which only Latin scholars can recognize.

If you need to get your hands on some Lorem Ipsum then visit the Lipsum site where you can grab yourself some paragraphs of the stuff so you too can fill your pages with dummy text.

Helen Bradley