Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

Trevor’s Quick Excel Tip – Date and Time

To enter the current date and time into a worksheet cell type =NOW() to display both the date and time based on the regional options that are set for your copy of Windows.  If you want the date and not the time, type =TODAY(). These formulas update themselves every time Excel is opened, the worksheet is recalculated or if it is printed.  If you need to enter the current date or time so it is fixed and so it won’t change, press press Ctrl + ; for the date or Ctrl + Shift + ; for the time.

Helen Bradley

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

Excel 2010 – quick and easy calculations

One of the handiest calculation tools in Excel isn’t a function and instead it appears automatically on the Status Bar.

Select a series of numbers and in the Status Bar you will see, by default, the Sum of those numbers.

Right click the Sum and you can select from other calculations such as Min, Max, Count Items, Count and Average. These calculations are useful when you need to quickly check a calculation. It doesn’t get any  more convenient than this.

Helen Bradley

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Excel – get the day or month name from a date

Often you will want to extract a month or day of the week from an Excel date. This is extraordinarily easy to do using the text function.

To get the name of the day of the week from a date in, for example, cell A1 type this into another cell:

= TEXT(A1,”dddd”)

This will give you the full day name spelled out such as Monday or Tuesday.

If you want a three character name use:

= TEXT(A1,”ddd”)

The same basic formula can be used to get the month of the year from a date. Use this to get the month name spelled out in full:

= TEXT(A1,”mmmm”)

Use this to get the month of the year spelled out in three characters:

= TEXT(A1,”mmm”)

and this for a single letter month:

= TEXT(A1,”mmmmm”)

This formula can be easily constructed and copied down a column of dates to extract just the information you want very quickly and easily.

The Excel help file has some information about the different formats you can use to extract data using the TEXT function.

Helen Bradley